Published: Monday, 30 April 2018
The CCMS will play an active role to achieve the following aims:
- Carry out scientific, research, publicity, educational, expert, project and consultancy activities in the field of coastal zone and marine space of the Black Sea Basin.
- Contribute to exploration and protection of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, marine space of the Black Sea, living and non-living resources.
- Work to protect geodiversity and biodiversity of the Black Sea Basin and World Ocean.
- Work to study and protect Black Sea Basin natural and historical heritage.
- Promote sustainable and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) of the Black Sea Basin.
- Conduct research and assessment of natural and human-induced risks in the coastal and marine zones, such as coastal erosion, landslides, collapses, sea level rise, flooding, technogenoius impacts, environmental risks and other human-induced activities to rise the public awareness.
- Carry out activities for conservation and restoration of the environment.
- Explore trends of marine and coastal tourism and their impact on sustainable coastal zone development and economy of the Black Sea and the World Ocean.
- Conduct exchange, partnership and training between institutions, universities, scientific organizations, non-governmental organizations, establish international cooperation.
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