18 IGU Regional Conference - CAG Annual Meeting - NCGE Annual Conference was held in Quebec, Canada from August 6 to 10, 2018

Published: Monday, 27 August 2018

18 IGU Regional Conference

The Canadian Association of Geographers and the University Laval, North America’s oldest French-language university, organized the 2018 International Geographical Union Regional Conference - Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) Annual Meeting - National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE) Annual Conference in Canada from August 6 to 10, 2018.

The conference theme, Appreciating Difference, or Apprécier la différence, is a Quebec expression that invited participants to consider the world as a blank canvas that we must first decide how to depict before putting down images and words. Surely, the choice of those images and words is a matter of appreciation. To appreciate is not only a question of what we find significant and of value, it is also an awareness of differences and the ability to recognize them as meaningful to a more inclusive interpretation of the diverse world in which we live. Conference topics, as well as IGU commissions and CAG study groups, will reflect on this thought-provoking theme.

For more details on the conference, keynote speakers, programme, etc. follow the conference website: http://igu2018.ulaval.ca/.

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