"How to incorporate Underwater Cultural Heritage into Maritime Spatial Planning": a new study by the European MSP Platform has been published

Published: Monday, 16 May 2022

How to incorporate Underwater Cultural Heritage into Maritime Spatial Planning

The European MSP Platform published a study on “How to incorporate Underwater Cultural Heritage into Maritime Spatial Planning – Guidelines and Good Practices”, the objective of this handbook is to provide concrete guidance on how Underwater Cultural Heritage may be considered and incorporated into the Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) process in order to overcome threats to UCH, be established in practical terms, and subsequently developed. Thus, this handbook addresses relevant initiatives in their different stages of development: from those that are just starting up, to those that are already well-established, and looks at ways to achieve an ideal balance and give a new impetus to the nexus between the protection and preservation of UCH and the development of a sustainable blue economy in European seas.

Originally published by the European MSP Platform

Download pdf version here: How to incorporate Underwater Cultural Heritage into Maritime Spatial Planning, April 2022.

For more information on this topic follow also our joint, recently published, peer-reviewed research paper "Supporting multi-use of the sea with maritime spatial planning. The case of a multi-use opportunity development - Bulgaria, Black Sea" in Marine Policy.

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