Blue Horizons newsletter is out!

Published: Friday, 22 September 2023

Blue Horizons Newsletter 01


MSP4BIO Project has united BLUE4ALL Project to put together Blue Horizons, a newsletter focusing on Marine Protected Areas, Maritime Spatial Planning & Ocean Conservation news, particularly around these two projects, upcoming events, opportunities & announcements, and highlighting sister project features as well!

Welcome to the 1st edition of Blue Horizons!

Welcome to the inaugural edition of our joint newsletter, where the worlds of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), and Ocean Conservation converge! We are thrilled to bring you this collaborative platform that unites the audiences of both BLUE4ALL and MSP4BIO projects. Recognising the interconnectedness of our goals and the shared passion for effective marine conservation, we have chosen to join forces and create a single space for news, updates, upcoming events, and more. By doing so, we aim to foster a vibrant community where knowledge and insights can be shared, connections can be forged, and collective action can be catalysed. Together, we can create a stronger, unified voice advocating for the preservation and restoration of our precious marine ecosystems.

Join us on this exciting journey as we navigate the vast oceans of MPAs, MSP, and ocean conservation.

If you haven’t checked it out, click below to read the first issue: Blue Horizons 1st Issue

If you liked it, then click here to subscribe: Subscribe

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