Published: Tuesday, 14 May 2019

European Maritime Day 2019


The European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and forge joint action. It targets maritime professionals, entrepreneurs and ocean leaders.

This year the event will take place on 16-17 May 2019 at the Lisbon Congress Centre.

The focus of the European Maritime Day 2019 will be on blue entrepreneurship, research, innovation and investment to boost sustainable technologies and emerging value chains in the wider ocean economy.

Stakeholders will find the European Maritime Day a great opportunity to touch base with strategic partners, to make new contacts, get visibility for projects, activities and achievements, gain new insights into the evolving EU policy and funding landscape and provide input into European Maritime Policy formulation.

Through a dedicated matchmaking application, participants will be able to ask for matchmaking slots with other participants and post their profiles online. The event also going to offer an upgraded interactive exhibition experience with exhibitors organised by thematic clusters.

EMD 2019 will also be celebrated across Europe, through EMD in my Country’ events and activities, big and small, that in 2019 will focus, in particular, on mobilising citizens and young people around the theme of responsible and sustainable use of the oceans.

The conference offers 8 breakout sessions organised by the European Commission focusing on a number of strategic EU policy initiatives to support Europe’s sustainable blue economy. During the two-day event, the participants can also attend 28 high-quality thematic workshops designed and organised by maritime stakeholders.

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