Hristo Stanchev

Dr. Hristo Stanchev

Chair of CCMS Foundation Council
Geography, GIS

Dr. Hristo Stanchev has 25 years` professional experience with special interests in geography, Geographic Information System, coastal geomorphology, coastal erosion, Maritime Spatial Planning, Land-Sea Interactions (LSI), etc. Hristo holds MSc degree in geography (1993) from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

In 2015, he received a Ph.D. with thesis ”Geoinformation system of Bulgarian Black Sea Basin part and coastal zone” at the Institute of Oceanology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IO-BAS). Some of activities and responsibilities includes inputting, updating and maintaining GIS database, preparation of maps in digital and paper format using information provided by different sources. Since 2009 he has been member of ICAN (International Coastal Atlas Network) Technical Working Group. In 2011 he was invited as expert from Bulgaria to contribute EAA Report No 12/2013 “Balancing the future of Europe's coasts”. Hristo was responsible for the data collection field works implemented by IO-BAS Monitoring Program (contracts between IO-BAS and Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water). Participant in HERAS Project (Submarine Archaeological Heritage of the Western Black Sea Shelf, 2013-2015) as Geographer and GIS expert. He was also involved as Geographer and GIS expert in DG MARE MARSPLAN-BS Project (Cross-Border Maritime Spatial Plan for the Black Sea – Romania, Bulgaria). During 2015 - 2018 Hristo was leader of WP10 (Bathymetry) in Emodnet Sea basin checkpoints- Lot 4: Black Sea”. In 2016 he managed an Environmental Sensitivity Mapping (ESM) of the Bulgarian Black Sea coastal zone (contract between TOTAL E&P Bulgaria B.V. oil and gas exploration operations and IO-BAS). Hristo is a co-editor and co-author of a chapter in a book, named “Sensitivity Mapping and Analysis of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coastal Zone”. Author and co-author of more than 40 scientific research publications. He was involved as Geographer/GIS Expert in the MARSPLAN-BS II project for the Black Sea (2019-2021). Currently he participates in the MSP4BIO Horizon Europe project (2022-2025) coordinated by s.Pro – sustainable projects, Germany, towards improved science-based Maritime Spatial Planning for coherent European MPA Network.

Selected publications:

  • Stancheva, M., H. Stanchev (2006). Applying GIS to investigation of shoreline dynamics. Proc. of 8th International Conference on Marine Sciences and Technologies “Black Sea’ 2006”, September 25-27, 2006, Varna, 239-244.
  • Palazov, A., H. Stanchev, M. Stancheva. (2007). Coastal population hazards due to extremal sea level rise – Sunny beach resort case study. Proc. of 4th International Conference: Global Changes and Problems – Theory and Practice, 20-22 April 2007 Sofia, Bulgaria, 93-97.
  • Stanchev, H., A. Palazov, M. Stancheva. (2009). 3D GIS Model for Flood Risk Assessment of Varna Bay due to Extreme Sea Level Rise. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 56, 1597-1601, ICS2009 (Proceedings) Portugal. ISSN 0749-0258.
  • Stanchev, H., V. Peychev, A. Palazov, M. Stancheva. (2010). Long-Term Alterations to the Varna-Beloslav Lake Complex due to Human Activities (Bulgarian Black Sea Coast). Proc. of BALWOIS 2010 (Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support), 25-29 May, 2010, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
  • Stanchev, H. A. Palazov, M. Stancheva. (2010). Bulgarian Black Sea Coastal Atlas (BCA) – current state and future challenges. Proc. of 10th International Conference on Marine Sciences and Technologies “Black Sea’ 2010”, 07-09 October 2010, Varna, Bulgaria. 229-234. ISSN 1314-0957.
  • Stanchev, H., R. Young, A. Palazov and Stancheva, M. (2011). GIS аs а tool to study аnd preserve sand dunes (Bulgarian Coast). Proc. of 10th International Symposium on GIS and Computer Mapping for Coastal Management 2011 Theme: Marine Spatial Planning, COASTGIS 2011 – 5-8 SEPTEMBER 2011 – OOSTENDE, BELGIUM, Vol. 3, 8-16.
  • Stancheva, M., Ungureanu, V.G., Stanica, A., Caraivan, G., Palazov, A., Stanchev, H., Peychev, V. (2011). State of the Art of Geomorphic Coastline Classifications: Global Studies and Regional Research along the Bulgarian-Romanian Black Sea Coast. Problems of Geography, Book 3-4, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 35-49. ISSN 0204-7209
  • Stancheva, M., Ratas U., Orviku K., Palazov A., Rivis R., Kont A., Peychev V., Tõnisson H. and Stanchev H., (2011). Sand dune destruction due to increased human impacts along the Bulgraian Black Sea and Estonian Baltic Sea coasts. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64 (Proceedings of the 11th International Coastal Symposium), 324-328, Szczecin, Poland, ISSN 0749-0208.
  • Stanchev, H., Palazov, A., Stancheva, M., Apostolov, A. (2011). Determination of the Black Sea coastline length and area using GIS methods and LandSat 7 Satellite Images. Geo-Eco-Marina Journal, vol. 17, 27-31 (
  • Stanica, A., M. Stancheva, G. Ungureanu, V. Peychev, A. Palazov, H. Stanchev, F. Dutu. (2012). Types and Impacts of Maritime Hydraulic Structures on the Romanian - Bulgarian Black Sea Coast - Setting-up a Common Catalogue for GIS-based Coastline Classification. Geo-Eco-Marina Journal, vol. 18 (
  • Stanchev, H., Young, R., & Stancheva, M. (2013). Integrating GIS and high resolution orthophoto images for the development of a geomorphic shoreline classification and risk assessment-a case study of cliff/bluff erosion along the Bulgarian coast. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 17(4), 719-728.
  • Stanchev, H., Stancheva, M., & Young, R. (2015). Implications of population and tourism development growth for Bulgarian coastal zone. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 19(1), 59-72.
  • Stancheva, M., Stanchev, H., P. Peev, G. Anfuso, Williams, A. T. 2016. Coastal protected areas and historical sites in North Bulgaria - Challenges, mismanagement and future perspectives. Ocean & Coastal Management, 130 (2016) 340-354.
  • Stancheva, M., Stanchev, H. 2017. Sensitivity mapping and assessment of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coastal Zone. In: Kotsev, I., Stanchev, H. (eds.) et al., 2017, Sensitivity Mapping and Analysis of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coastal Zone, Published by Total E&P Bulgaria B.V., ISBN: 978-954-9490-50-3, 146-172.
  • Stanchev, H., Stancheva, M., Yong, R., Palazov, A. 2017. Analysis of shoreline changes and cliff retreat to support Marine Spatial Planning in Shabla Municipality, Northeast Bulgaria. Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 156, 15 April 2018, Pages 127-140,
  • Stancheva, M., Stanchev, H., Krastev, A., Palazov, A. & Yankova, M. 2017. Case Study 3 Burgas: Land-Sea Interactions. Report on WP1, Activity 1.1, Component 1.1.2, Cross border maritime spatial planning in the Black sea – Romania and Bulgaria (MARSPLAN–BS) Project. June, 2017, 126 p., ISBN: 978-954-9490-49-7.
  • Stancheva, M., Stanchev, H. et al. 2021. Methodology for analysis and integration of Land-Sea Interactions in the cross-border MSP. MARSPLAN-BS II Project (EASME/EMFF/2018/ SI2.806725), WP2, Activity 2.3 Integration of Land-Sea Interactions in Maritime Spatial Planning for the cross-border region, Deliverable 1, October, 2021, 82 p. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31580.92800
  • Stanchev, H., Stancheva, M. 2021. Implementation of LSI-MSP methodology in Shabla Case Study, Bulgaria. MARSPLAN-BS II Project (EASME/EMFF/2018/, WP2, Activity 2.3, Deliverable 1: Methodology for analysis and integration of LSI in the cross-border MSP, October, 2021, 106 p. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28225.48483
  • Stancheva, M., Stanchev, H. 2021. Best practices and recommendations for further work on integrating Land-Sea Interactions into cross-border MSP. MARSPLAN-BS II Project (EASME/EMFF/2018/, WP2, Activity 2.3, Deliverable 2, 37 p. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16481.43360
  • Stancheva, M., Stanchev, H., Young, R., & Parlichev, G. (2021). Coastal erosion driven Land-Sea Interactions in Maritime Spatial Planning-a case of Bulgaria. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 25(6), 1-19.
  • Mooser, A.; Anfuso, G.; Stanchev, H.; Stancheva, M.; Williams, A.T.; Aucelli, P.P.C. Most Attractive Scenic Sites of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: Characterization and Sensitivity to Natural and Human Factors. Land 2022, 11, 70.
  • Stancheva, M., Stanchev, H., Zaucha, J., Ramieri, E., & Roberts, T. (2022). Supporting multi-use of the sea with maritime spatial planning. The case of a multi-use opportunity development-Bulgaria, Black Sea. Marine Policy, 136, 104927.
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