European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly

European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly Since 2009 until now, Dr. Margarita Stancheva has been convener of a Geomorphology Session: ”Coastal zone geomorphologic interactions: natural versus human-induced driving factors” in collaboration with Dr. Andreas Baas (Kings College, London, UK), Prof. Giorgio Anfuso (University of Cadiz, Spain), Dr. Hannes Tonnison (Tallinn University, Estonia) and Dr. Guillaume Brunier (Université Bretagne Sud, France).

The session gives priority to the subjects of coastal geomorphology: evolution of coastal landforms, coastline alterations and various associated processes in the coastal zone, e.g. waves and sediment drift, which shape coastal features and cause morphological changes. Contributions to this session focus on the mechanisms responsible for coastal erosion and shoreline behaviour (advance or retreat) and will address the many natural and human factors involved. The topics may include work on predictions of shoreline change and discussions on the effects of human activities and their continuing contribution to coastal changes. The session also covers submissions on coastal vulnerability to the combined effects of natural and human-related hazards, any type of coastal and environmental sensitivity classifications, and risk assessments. Studies related to Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), including Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) are also welcome. For any MSP and ICM, it is essential to consider the dynamics across the land-sea interface, i.e. the Land-Sea Interactions (LSI) that involve both natural processes and the impact of human activities. The geomorphology session has been sponsored by the Commission on Coastal Systems – International Geographical Union (

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