CCMS is part of the new MARSPLAN-BS II Project (Cross-border Maritime Spatial Planning for Black Sea – Bulgaria and Romania) to support MSP in the Black Sea. The project is funded by the European Commission (DG MARE), Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) of the European Union and will last 24 months between 01.07.2019 and 30.06.2021.

The MARSPLAN-BS II Project brings together an outstanding partnership of eight key Bulgarian and Romanian institutions and organizations: the two Competent MSP Authorities - Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of Bulgaria and Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration of Romania; National Center for Regional Development, Bulgaria; National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa”, Romania; Center for Coastal and Marine Studies, Bulgaria; GeoEcoMar, Romania, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania; and Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Bulgaria.

The Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works is the Coordinator of the MARSPLAN-BS II Project.

The main project objective is to support the coherent, cross-sectoral MSP in Bulgaria and Romania under the framework of MSP Directive 2014/89/EU and to establish a long-lasting mechanism for the Black Sea Basin cross-border cooperation on MSP. More specifically the project will ensure continuity in the cross-border MSP process for the Black Sea Basin; support the elaboration of the maritime spatial plans in Bulgaria and Romania based on the results of the first MARSPLAN-BS Project; develop the MSP common strategy for the cross-border area of Bulgaria and Romania, addressing also Land-Sea Interactions (LSI) and Multi-Use (MU) concept; provide effective stakeholder participation in the design of national and cross-border MSP process and share information for the best available data and communicate knowledge on MSP for the Black Sea Basin.

The CCMS`s role in the project is leading the implementation of activities on integration of LSI into MSP and addressing the MU with MSP, LSI methodology, reports on best practices and recommendations for LSI and case study on MU in the cross-border region. CCMS team is also actively involved in the activities of all Working Packages, such as synthesis report on maritime uses, analysing current and future conditions in the Bulgarian-Romanian maritime space, support elaboration of MSPs, updating GIS database, stakeholder cooperation, participation in working meetings, project conferences, thematic workshops, publication materials, articles and reports.

Stay tuned for further news and updates on the MARSPLAN-BS II Project and its official launching in Sofia, Bulgaria organized by the Project Coordinator Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of Bulgaria!

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