Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines (PSDS)

PSDSPSDS Program  :Dr. Margarita Stancheva is a Research Fellow to the Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines (PSDS), Western Carolina University – USA. PSDS takes a worldwide view of modern coastal processes and geologic hazards, examines the scientific basis for managing developed shorelines in a time of rising sea level and advocates for the development and implementation of responsible strategies, plans, policies and actions that promote the long-term sustainability of the nation’s coastal ecosystems. One of the fundamental goals of PSDS is to serve as a primary technical and policy resource for a variety of beach management issues and to provide information, data and advice to federal, state and local government agencies; the media, concerned citizens; the scientific community; nonprofit organizations and other concerned stakeholders. One of the recent joint publications with PSDS published in Ocean and Coastal Management Journal was focused on Marine Spatial Planning: Stanchev, H., Stancheva, M., Yong, R., Palazov, A. 2017. Analysis of shoreline changes and cliff retreat to support Marine Spatial Planning in Shabla Municipality, Northeast Bulgaria. Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 156, 15 April 2018, Pages 127-140, For more information visit the PSDS website:

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