Milena Manova

Milena Manova

Marine ecologist of CCMS team - MARSPLAN-BS II Project

Milena Manova holds MSc degree in Ecology and Environmental Protection from Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria. She has professional experience in the area of marine environmental investigation and protection, sustainable development of marine ecosystems, influence of the anthropogenic impact on the phytoplankton in the Black Sea.

Previously Milena worked at the Institute of Oceanology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IO-BAS), Marine Biology and Ecology Department (2001- 2004). During that period she was involved in CESUM- BS and EUROCAT projects and participated at CESUM-BS Summer School "Ecosystem health development of marine environment", Varna, Bulgaria.

Milena also has experience in public administration, during the period 2005- 2012 worked at Department of Ecology of Odessos District, Varna Municipality. Her work was related to the implementation of the Bulgarian legislation in the area of environmental protection and conservation in the urbanized territory, control over the conservation and renewal of the green system in the central parts of the city; preparation of proposals for improvement of ecological information in the region on the basis of the data on its status submitted by Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Waters.

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