Published: Wednesday, 16 January 2019 Print Email


Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Arjen Y. Hoekstra


Guest Editors:
           Prof. Dr. Giorgio Anfuso (Dep. Earth Sciences, Faculty of Marine Sciences, University of Cádiz, Spain).
           Dr. Angela Rizzo, REgional Models and geo-Hydrological Impacts, Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, Italy.

One of the Advisory Committee members of CCMS Prof. Dr. Giorgio Anfuso is a Guest Editor of the SPECIAL ISSUE: COASTAL DYNAMIC AND EVOLUTION.

This Special Issue is devoted to geomorphological studies on coastal dynamic and evolution. Results of field studies, observations, and surveys on morphological changes of the shoreline and/ or dune system at different time scales, from hours, days, to months and years, as well as historical coastal evolution investigations, carried out by means of aerial photos and/or satellite images, and research results concerning coastal changes at scale of decades/centuries, linked to past and future sea level variations and/or land tectonic movements, are welcome. Study cases have to investigate relatively large spatial areas, i.e., coastal sectors of tens of kilometers. Last, investigations on coastal wave climates and the characterization of marine storms in a context of climate change scenarios are also of interest.

Author Benefits
Open Access: free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
High visibility: indexed by the Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Ei Compendex and other databases.
CiteScore 2017 (Scopus): 2.06, which equals rank 43/191 (Q1) in the category 'Water Science and Technology' and 51/199 (Q2) in 'Aquatic Science'.

Deadline for manuscript submissions:
30 June 2019

More details can be find at the website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/water/special_issues/Coastal_Dynamic_Evolution.

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