EGU 2019 General Assembly programme is now online!

Published: Monday, 04 March 2019 Print Email


The meeting programme for the EGU General Assembly 2019 (7–12 April, Vienna) was published. With more than 1000 scientific sessions, debates, short courses and side events, and close to 17,000 abstracts, it promises to be a varied and exciting meeting.

Follow our EGU2019 GM11.5 Session: Coastal zones under natural and human-induced pressure (sponsored by CCS - IGU), Convener: Margarita Stancheva | Co-conveners: Jasper Leuven, Andreas Baas, Giorgio Anfuso, Lisa Harrison, Hannes Tõnisson, Wout van Dijk, Guillaume Brunier.

Solicited talk: Tourism oriented coastal interventions. Intentions and side effects, by one of the CCMS AC members George Alexandrakis and Nikolaos Rempis.

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