Published: Friday, 15 March 2019 Print Email




The Fourteenth MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management & Conservation (MEDCOAST 19) is to be held on 22 – 26 October 2019, Club Yazici Turban Hotel (****), Marmaris, Turkey.

CONGRESS CHAIR: Prof. Erdal Özhan, President, MEDCOAST Foundation

The Fourteenth MEDCOAST Congress in Marmaris (Turkey) takes place at a time when the European Commission is keenly involved in facilitating programs for the Mediterranean and the Black Sea in the fields of Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP), Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and Blue Growth (Economy) and this important event will be an excellent opportunity for discussing national and regional efforts and capacities, as well as for networking and collaboration.

Abstracts for MEDCOAST 19 Congress must be submitted online via the Congress webpage, starting with the date of 15 March 2019... and the deadline for abstract submission is 31 May 2019.

The manuscripts of accepted papers for both oral or poster presentations will be published in the Proceedings without indication of the mode of presentation and the extended abstracts in the Book of Extended Abstracts of MEDCOAST 19 Congress.

Please follow MEDCOAST 19 Congress flyer for more information and details on the MEDCOAST 19 topics, how to submit an abstract, important deadlines, social and cultural events, etc.

More information about the congress like registration fees & accommodation are posted at the Congress web page.

For other information, contact MEDCOAST Foundation:
Phone: + 90 (252) 284 44 50
Mail: P.O. Box 10, Ortaca
48600, Mugla, TURKEY
Conference website:

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