The first EGCP E-Newsletter – the Autumn 2020 issue is available now

Published: Tuesday, 03 November 2020 Print Email

Autum 2020 EGCP Newsletter

The Aberdeen Institute for Coastal Science and Management (AICSM), leaded by CCMS Advisory Committee member Dr. David R. Green, works alongside the East Grampian Coastal Partnership (EGCP) in a range of coastal projects. East Grampian Coastal Partnership (EGCP) is pleased to make available the first E-Newsletter – the Autumn 2020 issue. For many years, EGCP has produced a hardcopy newsletter. Like many organisations, EGCP have gradually felt the need to move to being ‘greener’, paper-free, working and communicating in an electronic environment.

EGCP Ltd. was first established in 2005. It is a not-for-profit limited company representing individuals and organisations, who have an interest in the well-being of the local coast between Kinnaird Head, Fraserburgh and the mouth of the River North Esk, by St Cyrus.

In the future EGCP plan to have four issues of the E-Newsletter a year: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Follow the EGCP website to read the Autumn Newsletter, and for more information and upcoming news.

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