The second EGCP E-Newsletter – the Winter 2020 issue is available now

Published: Friday, 11 December 2020 Print Email

Winter EGCP Newsletter 2020

We are pleased to circulate the Winter E-Newsletter of the East Grampian Coastal Partnership (EGCP), submitted by CCMS Advisory Committee member Dr. David R. Green, Director of the Aberdeen Institute for Coastal Science and Management, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Included in this issue of the newsletter is an update on the very successful Turning the Plastic Tide (TTPT) project which is now also expanding into Aberdeen City. There are also included interesting developments including the Take 4 for the Shore project, as well as developing and updating beach clean educational materials, which you can find on the EGCP website: or look also at the EGCP social media pages – Facebook and Twitter - as well, both full of useful community information.

Follow the EGCP website to read the Winter Newsletter, and for more information and upcoming news.

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