A new World Bank Policy note "Toward a Blue economy Development in Bulgaria" has been launched!

Published: Tuesday, 30 March 2021 Print Email

Toward Blue Economy Development


The World Bank in collaboration with the Government of Bulgaria in support of Bulgaria's 2020 Presidency of the Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea has just launched officially the Policy note "Toward a Blue economy Development in Bulgaria" dedicated to pave the way to a national vision and strategy for a sustainable and resilient blue economy in Bulgaria.

The policy note, which was developed on the basis of a more detailed report entitled “Diagnostic of the Blue economy in Bulgaria”, takes a closer look at the blue economy sectors with strong growth potential and provides an overview of the blue economy as a mix of interconnected economic activities. It further highlights the development challenges and charts the alignment with European Union policies and directives in relation to blue economy, including the recent Roadmap to Sustainable Blue economy published by the European Commission.

CCMS experts have been involved in preparation of diagnostics for the policy note of the World Bank: the background analysis, including sectoral diagnostics and recommendations, was prepared by Dr. Margarita Stancheva, and Dr. Georgi Parlichev was involved in developing diagnostic of the current evidence-based knowledge and scientific outputs on the various components/sectors of the Blue Economy in Bulgaria.

The policy note aims at revealing the blue economy potential in Bulgaria by highlighting the synergies and interlinkages between the various sectors in the blue economic space and together offer opportunities for sustainable growth. At the same time, the note’s recommendations reflect the need to protect the marine environment and natural resources as the basis for development of the blue economy sectors. Another key objective of the Policy note is to support the work of the institutions working on maritime policy-related issues, especially during the 2020 Bulgarian chairmanship of the Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea – but also after that the event, with regard to the preparation of the country's strategic framework to 2030 as well as in support of the programming and absorption of the new EU Multiannual Financial Framework (2021-2027). Last but not least, the policy note aims to inform and support Bulgaria’s active role at the regional table of the Black Sea cooperation.

The policy note has undergone a peer review involving global blue economy specialists and including experts from the European Commission who have confirmed its alignment with the Commission’s new approach towards realising a sustainable blue economy in the EU.

The objective of the Diagnostic is to inform the vision and strategy for transitioning to Blue Economy in Bulgaria by identifying the challenges and opportunities for shaping a development framework, based on a holistic ecosystem approach to management of coastal and marine resources. It reviews the baseline of the established and emerging Blue economy sectors in Bulgaria that have high potential for sustaining growth and assesses the synergies and potential conflicts between them over coastal and marine resources. Additionally, the main threats to the quality of Black Sea coastal and marine environment and sustainable use of natural resources are highlighted, including existing gaps and recommendations. The MSP process in Bulgaria is pointed as a key tool used to enhance integration of cross-sectoral planning and governance, and stakeholder engagement.

Follow the published policy note in English and Bulgarian on the World Bank website!

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