Launch of the key MSPglobal Technical Reports

Published: Tuesday, 20 April 2021 Print Email


IOC MSP Med Reports


Successful marine management needs planners and managers who understand and work with the sea's diversity in space and time. These new reports aim to assist the MSPglobal beneficiary countries in developing approaches, tools and actions at regional level to contribute to a coherent ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Planning process, based on an analysis of existing and future conditions within the pilot project areas in the Western Mediterranean.

By improving mutual understanding between bordering Member States of their respective processes, including different objectives, priorities and activities, MSPglobal provides the basis for the development of a pre-planning phase of transboundary MSP.

The pilot project in the Western Mediterranean is being implemented in seven countries – Algeria, France, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Spain and Tunisia – an area that encompasses diverse coastal and marine ecosystems. In fact, it hosts the highest rate of the Mediterranean's well-documented forms of life (87%) and many emblematic species of particular conservation interest. However, various environment-use and use-use conflicts threaten this rich biodiversity, such as aquaculture vs. marine protected areas or maritime traffic vs. conservation of cetaceans.

For more information, please follow:

Technical Report on Current Conditions and Compatibility of Maritime Uses in the Western Mediterranean

Technical Report on Future Conditions and Scenarios for MSP and Sustainable Blue Economy Opportunities in the Western Mediterranean

Originally published by MSPglobal.

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