CCMS team has had a joint peer-reviewed research paper published in the MDPI Land open-access scientific journal!

Published: Tuesday, 04 January 2022 Print Email


We are pleased to promote our most recent peer-reviewed research paper: Most Attractive Scenic Sites of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: Characterization and Sensitivity to Natural and Human Factors. The article has been published in the MDPI Land open-access journal, Special Issue: Land Modifications and Impacts on Coastal Areas in collaboration with:
• Department of Science and Technology (DiST), Parthenope University, Naples, Italy;
• Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Cádiz, Spain; and
• Department of Architecture, Computing and Engineering, University of Wales, Swansea, UK

Bulgaria has impressive scenic diversity and uniqueness, presenting real challenges and opportunities as an emerging tourist destination in terms of sustainable development. However, such as most developing countries, Bulgaria tend to ignore mistakes made previously by developed ones. In this paper, scenic beauty at 16 coastal sites was field-tested by using a well-known methodology, i.e., the Coastal Scenic Evaluation System (CSES), which enables the calculation of an Evaluation Index “D” based on 26 physical and human parameters, utilizing fuzzy logic matrices. An assessment was made of these high-quality sites located in Burgas (8), Varna (3) and Dobrich (4) provinces.

This is an open access article!

Land 2022, 11(1), 70;
Received: 5 December 2021 / Revised: 28 December 2021 / Accepted: 30 December 2021 / Published: 3 January 2022

Mooser, A.; Anfuso, G.; Stanchev, H.; Stancheva, M.; Williams, A.T.; Aucelli, P.P.C. Most Attractive Scenic Sites of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: Characterization and Sensitivity to Natural and Human Factors. Land 2022, 11, 70.

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