New study on MSP Tools and Guidance

Published: Sunday, 17 April 2022 Print Email

CCMS took part and contributed to Bulgaria`s case study in the recently published European Commission`s study on tools and guidance documents for MSP Practitioners and other interested parties in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of MSP. CCMS expert participated also in the review meeting organised to validate the findings with external experts.


Systems and tools for monitoring evaluation and revision of maritime spatial plans


Toolbox for monitoring, evaluation and revision of MSP, February 2022

Systems and tools for monitoring, evaluation and revision of maritime spatial plans, including in the context of the implementation of Directive 2014/89/EU, September 2021

The objective of the study is to provide guidance to administrators in monitoring, evaluating and revising their maritime spatial plans, in particular in the context of the implementation of the Directive 2014/89/EU on Maritime Spatial Planning (or MSP Directive). To this end, the project provides a “guide” and a “toolbox”. The guide aims to enable EU Member States administrations to assess progress in the implementation of the EU MSP Directive. Key issues are identified that Member States could consider when establishing and executing their maritime spatial plans including, but not limited to, the requirement formulated in Directive 2014/89/EU and the intricate relations between Directive 2014/89/EU and other EU Directives. The toolbox is a comprehensive set of methods and tools that national administrations can draw upon when monitoring, evaluating and/or revising their maritime spatial plans.

Case studies from different sea basins were conducted to test and validate the robustness of the guide and the toolbox. The findings of the case studies were used to revise both guide and toolbox.

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