Welcome to the 2nd edition of Blue Horizons!

Published: Wednesday, 20 December 2023 Print Email

Blue Horizons 2


As in the first issue of our joint newsletter, to bring you the latest updates of BLUE4ALL and MSP4BIO projects, as well as the latest news on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), and Ocean Conservation.

A highlight of this edition is a joint update on the recent workshop co-organized by BLUE4ALL and MSP4BIO at the 1st Mission Arena event in Gothenburg. Discover the insights gained and the outcomes of the workshop, including the much-anticipated ROADMAP 2030 - a comprehensive strategy addressing key goals for sustainable blue growth in the Baltic and North Seas.

Explore the progress of BLUE4ALL's Living Labs, including the co-creation of tailored tools for marine protection set to commence in 2024. Get a glimpse into MSP4BIO's interactions in Split and the Azores, showcasing the project's commitment to fostering maritime management stakeholders' engagement. Moreover, mark your calendars for upcoming events, such as the International Conference on Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning in Singapore and the Baltic Stakeholder Conference 2024.

In this issue, we also bring you external news, including the State of the Baltic Sea 2023 report, developments from the EU Blue Parks Community, and insights into the ICCAT Annual Meeting's decisions on sustainable fisheries. Don't miss announcements like the launch of the EU Blue Champions scheme and the call for abstracts for the 2024 EGU General Assembly.

The 2024 EGU General Assembly call for abstracts is open!

The General Assembly 2024 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) will be held on April 14–19th, 2024, in Vienna, Austria, and virtually, and it will have the abstract submission open until January 10th, 2024 at 13:00 CET. Margarita Stancheva from CCMS and also a partner in MSP4BIO project, will be a co-convener of the session Coastal Zone Geomorphological Interactions: Natural and Human-Induced Driving Factors.

Enjoy reading the full content of this amazing second BLUE HORIZONS Newsletter and stay tuned for further updates: https://archive.newsletter2go.com/?n2g=yk6t7887-59l1t8xu-a29

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