MARSPLAN-BS II Thematic e-Workshop: Tourism Activities

Published: Monday, 19 October 2020 Print Email

MARSPLAN BS II E workshop Tourism activities


Second Thematic Workshop: Tourism Activities of MARSPLAN-BS II project (Cross border maritime spatial planning in the Black Sea – Bulgaria and Romania), funded by the European Commission, through Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), will be conducted on 5th November 2020.

Due to the safety measures, the event will be organized in a video-conference format, hosted by one of project partners: „Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania.

Coastal and maritime tourism is a key sector for Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and for sustainable development of the Blue Economy in Bulgaria and Romania, being also impacted during this period by the Coronavirus pandemic. MSP is therefore an important leverage for the growth and sustainability of the sector in Bulgaria and Romania (Black Sea), applying also innovative concepts of Multi-Use (MU) and Land-Sea Interactions (LSI) towards synergies and good co-existence of different coastal and maritime uses (human and environment). This MARSPLAN-BS-II Thematic Workshop will be focused on discussions about current challenges/drivers and future trends for development of the tourism sector with the support of MSP.

As partner in the MARSPLAN-BS II project, CCMS will present a study on "Coastal and maritime tourism-driven LSI challenges for Bulgaria".

For agenda and further information about the workshop, please follow the project website!

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