Opening Conference of the eMSP NBSR project

Published: Friday, 11 February 2022 Print Email

Opening Conference of the eMSP NBSR project

The opening conference of the eMSP project will be organized on the 22nd of February, 10:30-17:30 CET, online. Aim of the conference is to introduce the topics and working methods of the eMSP NBSR project, as well as to discuss opportunities of stakeholders to get involved in project activities.

The opening conference of the eMSP NBSR project will introduce the Communities of Practice (CoP) partners are building within learning strands presenting five emerging MSP topics:
• Ocean governance
• Ecosystem-based approach
• Sustainable blue economy
• Monitoring and evaluation
• Data sharing, information and communication technology serving MSP.

Science policy interface will facilitate the knowledge gained throughout the project by providing scientific advice in the learning strands and establishing a project scientific advisory board.

Throughout the opening conference participants will have a chance to learn more about the Green Deal aspects to be considered in MSP, methods of the ‘Community of Practice’ and ‘Scientific Advisory Board’ and contribute to the discussions within the learning strands.

Download agenda HERE.

Registration to the conference is available HERE.

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