Join our Coastal Zone Session at the EGU2022 meeting in May 2022!

Published: Tuesday, 29 March 2022 Print Email

The General Assembly 2022 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) is held at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria & Online, from 23–27 May 2022. 



Our EGU2022 Session: Coastal zone geomorphologic interactions: natural versus human-induced driving factors (GM6.7) will be held on Tue, 24 May, 15:10–16:37 (CEST), Room 0.16

The session is organized by Margarita Stancheva, Andreas Baas, Hannes Tõnisson, Guillaume Brunier and Giorgio Anfuso.

The session will be conducted for the fourteenth time and is sponsored by the Commissions on Coastal Systems) (CCS) of the International Geographical Union (IGU),

The registration for the meeting is available now and the early bird on-site registration fee rates are only available until 31st March at 13:00 CE.

As EGU22 is fully hybrid, there are two types of registration available, on-site registration and virtual registration:
On-site participation - Due to regulations connected to the Hygiene Plan, registration for on-site attendance at EGU22 will close 13.00 CET 14 April 2022. As mentioned above, early-bird rates will be available until 13.00 CET 31 March.
Virtual participation - Virtual registration is not subject to restrictions, and so is available until 27 May 2022 (the last day of the General Assembly), but we are offering early-bird rates until 13.00 CET 31 March to help with our digital capacity planning.

Follow the link for the GM6.7 session programme:

We are looking forward to see you at our session meeting and to your active participation!

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