MSP4BIO 3rd Science Policy Dialogues Think Tank: Advancing Biodiversity Integration in Maritime Spatial Planning

Published: Monday, 23 September 2024 Print Email

MSP4BIO 3rd Science Policy Dialogues Think Tank


On October 24th, 2024, in Marseille, the MSP4BIO project will host its 3rd Science Policy Dialogues Think Tank event. This event will take place following the MSP-GREEN & REGINA MSP Joint Closing Conference and will be held at the same venue. The Think Tank will run from 15:00 to 17:00.

The prior objective of the MSP4BIO Project is to advance the integration of biodiversity into Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP). In line with this goal, MSP4BIO has established a series of Science Policy Dialogue Think Tanks, aimed at bringing together experts, scientists, and policymakers at both the EU and regional seas levels. These collaborative sessions focus on co-developing innovative solutions for incorporating biodiversity into MSP, fostering policy alignment, and ensuring that science-based approaches are effectively communicated to policy actors.

The key objectives of the MSP4BIO Science Policy Dialogue Think Tanks include:
– Co-developing key solutions for integrating biodiversity into MSP.
– Engaging with policy actors to validate these solutions.
– Facilitating collaboration between MSP4BIO and related EU projects to align scientific outputs with policy coherence criteria.

Specific Objectives of the 3rd Think Tank
1. Identify opportunities to influence policy implementation using the tools and solutions developed by MSP4BIO and sister projects.
2. Shortlist key recommendations for discussion with policy actors.
3. Strengthen coordination among sister projects and initiatives.

In preparation for this important event, MSP4BIO invites you to participate in this survey: Integrating Biodiversity into Maritime Spatial Planning. The survey aims to collect valuable insights and feedback from projects, initiatives, and policy actors to help shape the upcoming discussions. If you represent a project or initiative, please coordinate with your partners to submit a unified response by September 30th, 2024.

This Think Tank event is by invitation only. If you represent a relevant project or initiative, or are a policy actor interested in participating, please contact WWF MED (Mauro Randone, ).

We greatly appreciate your input and look forward to collaborating with you to enhance the integration of biodiversity into Maritime Spatial Planning.

Stay tuned for the release of the final agenda and more information on the MSP4BIO web site!


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