2nd Call for Papers for the Coastal Transitions Conference: Blue Economy

Published: Saturday, 22 February 2020 Print Email

2nd CALL FOR PAPERS Coastal Transitions 2020


2nd Call for Papers for the Coastal Transitions Conference: Blue Economy, 4-8 November 2020, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Abstracts due: 1st of March 2020

Theme: Coastal Transitions: Blue Economy
Venue:  New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Dates:   Wednesday 4th – Sunday 8th, Nov 2020

Coastal Transitions is sponsored by the IGU Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces and the IGU Commission on Coastal Systems. Coastal Transitions is jointly organized by Liverpool John Moores University, Southern Connecticut State University and MIC University of Limerick.


The Blue Economy concept and agenda has been endorsed by a wide range of actors, from development institutions to conservation organizations and across a wide range of public and private actors (business and conservation alike). Despite this, there has not been a concerted effort at interrogating the multi-scalar complexities of Blue Economy development initiatives in academic discourse. This conference aims to do just that, and in doing so provide a basis for the analysis of proposed Blue Economy initiatives. It is the goal of this conference to act as a catalyst to bridge and mobilize emerging knowledge(s) on coastal/marine governance, technology development, and policy practices for transitioning to a Blue Economy. A focus will be on assuring that there is direct dialogue and engagement between the scientific research community, government officials, NGO representatives and the business community through transdisciplinary interactive problem-based workshops. Government officials and members of the local and regional NGO and business communities will be invited directly by the conference organizers.

Papers presented at Coastal Transitions 2020 will be invited for peer review and subsequent publication in an edited volume and/or edited issues in a journal focused on issues related to the Blue Economy.

For more information follow the conference website:

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