Happy Birthday to CCMS: we are 2 today!

Published: Monday, 09 March 2020 Print Email

Happy Birthday to CCMS 2020


On 9 March 2020 the Center for Coastal and Marine Studies (CCMS) celebrates two years of establishment and active work. We have accomplished so much, but the best is yet to come!

The CCMS was born with the fundamental goal of developing and promoting science, research, knowledge transfer and innovation technologies in the Black Sea and in the World Ocean by bringing together science, environment, expertise, stakeholders and policy making.

Our activities comprise a vast range of coastal and marine research (studies and surveys in the field of modern coastal and marine processes), as well as support to implementation of the EU coastal and maritime Strategies and Directives (MSP, ICZM, Blue and Circular Economy, Blue Growth, etc.) by developing scientific basis and providing knowledge and expertise, project participation, networking and consultancy.

CCMS is directly advised by Advisory Committee (AC), which currently involves fifteen distinguished and outstanding scientists and experts from different institutes, universities and organizations all around the globe (Australia, Belgium, Greece, Columbia, Estonia, Italy, Romania, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and USA). For more information on AC members explore the section for AC on our webpage: http://www.ccms.bg/en/about-ccms/advisory-committee.

We started just two years ago with working on coastal and marine science and research, and we have contributed a lot to the development of several large EU project proposals under different programmes and frameworks,

And currently we are partners in the EC`DG MARE MARSPLAN-BS II Project (funded by EMFF) and coordinated by the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. The project supports the coherent, cross-sectoral Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in Bulgaria and Romania under the framework of MSP Directive 2014/89/EU towards a long-lasting mechanism for the Black Sea cross-border cooperation on MSP. The CCMS`s role in the project is leading the implementation of activities on integration of Land-Sea Interactions (LSI) into MSP and addressing the Multi Use (MU) concept with MSP, reports on best practices and recommendations for LSI, and a case study on MU in the cross-border region.

In addition, our outreach activities included organization of EGU2019 Geomorphology Session: Coastal zones under natural and human-induced pressure (sponsored by CCS - IGU) by CCMS Director Dr. Margarita Stancheva together with our AC members: Dr. Andreas Baas, Prof. Giorgio Anfuso, Dr. Hannes Tonisson and Dr. Guillaume Brunier: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2020/orals/37494https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2020/posters/37494

And organization of a session convened by the Commission on Coastal Systems (CCS) of the International Geographical Union (IGU), chairing by Prof. Colin Woodrofe and Dr. Margarita Stancheva: "Sustaining Coastal and Marine Environments in the Anthropocene" at the 34th INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL CONGRESS with a theme "Geography: bridging the continents", that will take place on 17-21 August, 2020 in Istanbul, Turkey (https://www.igc2020.org/en/COASTAL%20SYSTEMS.html),

And compiling and editing the July 2019 and January 2020 Newsletters of the CCS-IGU by CCMS Director Dr. Margarita Stancheva (CCS Secretary and Newsletter Editor) and CCMS AC member Prof. Norbert Psuty (Newsletter Co-editor, Rutgers University, US).

We participated at several large international events, such as: Smart Blue Regions project Conference “The role of regions in fostering blue growth”, held on 22 January 2019 in Berlin, Germany and organized by SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG; 3rd International Forum for Marine Spatial Planning (MSPforum), 12-15 May 2019 in Vigo, Spain; Maritime Spatial Planning Forum: Global Meets Regional, 19-21 November 2019 in Riga, Latvia; and MARSPLAN-BS II Opening Conference, 10 October 2019 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

For more details and information visit CCMS website: www.ccms.bg
Follows us on:
Social media: https://web.facebook.com/ccms.bg/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCMSBG
In celebrating our second birthday we take the moment to warmly thank all our AC members, colleagues and friends for their courage to join us along the way and for their continuing support and great collaboration during the past two years!


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