EGU2020 CCS Coastal Sessions Share Online

Published: Sunday, 03 May 2020 Print Email

EGU2020 CCS Coastal Sessions Share Online

The EGU General Assembly 2020 online activities "Sharing Geoscience Online" kick off from Monday, 04 May 2020. Please see, for a quick overview of what is on during the coming week. Please find Sharing Geoscience Online in a nutshell at:

and the full programme here:

The Commission on Coastal Systems (CCS) of the International Geographical Union (IGU) has sponsored two EGU2020 coastal sessions that will be conducted by EGU sharing live chat, the chat is open Friday 8 May:

GM6.3 Coastal morphodynamics: nearshore, beach and dunes
Convener: Derek Jackson | Co-conveners: Emilia Guisado-Pintado, Irene Delgado-Fernandez
Displays | Chat Fri, 08 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

GM6.4 Coastal Zone Geomorphological Interactions: Natural versus Human-Induced Driving Factors
Convener: Hannes Tõnisson | Co-conveners: Margarita Stancheva, Andreas Baas, Giorgio Anfuso, Guillaume Brunier
Displays| Chat Fri, 08 May, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)

 We are very much looking forward to a lively exchange by coastal and marine scientists from all around the world to help minimise the impact of COVID-19 on the advancement of scientific research and our global collaboration!

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