Published: Wednesday, 22 April 2020 Print Email


Following the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and its current trajectory, it has become clear that it will not be possible to hold the 34th International Geographical Congress in İstanbul in August this year as originally planned. The Local Organising Committee and the IGU Executive Committee have taken the decision that the IGU Congress in Istanbul is postponed for one year. The 34th IGC will be held at the same venue between 16-20 August 2021. Due to the postponement, the organisers have also rescheduled the important dates of the conference.

You may find the details below: 

Deadline for abstract papers and posters submission11 January 2021
Notification of acceptance (new abstracts)08 February 2021
Authors’ registration deadline05 April 2021
Early bird registration05 April 2021
Regular registration06 April – 21 June 2021
Late & On-site registration22 June – 20 August 2021

Previously 34th IGC conference have received a total number of 170 sessions, and after the abstract submission deadline 140 session have received submissions. The organisers decided to keep these active sessions only and the submission platform for next year will only include these active topics.

It is not planning to open session applications for next year. However, any session proposals regarding the COVID-19 pandemic will be welcomed by the local organising committee. If you are interested to submit a session proposal for COVID-19 please fill the application form from the following link

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