Published: Tuesday, 12 May 2020 Print Email

EGU 2020 Chat GM6

The EGU General Assembly 2020 in the online format Sharing Geoscience Online was an exciting experiment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and a great success: 18,036 abstracts formed the programme with 701 scientific sessions, 11,380 presentation materials accompanied the abstracts and received 6,297 comments so far (to be continued until 31 May). A fantastic number of 26,219 individual users joined the 721 live text chats and posted 200,400 messages.

The EGU2020 Session GM6.4: Coastal Zone Geomorphological Interactions: Natural versus Human-induced Driving Factors was successfully conducted for the twelfth year in success at the EGU General Assembly (this year in the online format by showing displays) on 8 May 2020, for more information follow the session link: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2020/displays/37494

The session is sponsored by the Commission on Coastal Systems of the International Geographical Union.

The session was joined by 76 active users all around the world with intense discussions and included 15 presented studies on a great variety of coastal zone geomorphology topics including climate change and human-induced impacts.

We really enjoyed the online chat and amazing presentations as well as productive discussions with wide coastal and marine community. We look very much forward to seeing you again at the next EGU General Assembly 2021, 25–30 April 2021 (hopefully in person).

Continue your discussions on EGUsphere

EGUsphere, the new EGU interactive community platform, lists all EGU2020 abstracts, their CC BY presentation materials, and corresponding comments. On EGUsphere, you can continue your discussions through commenting on presentation materials until 31 May 2020. Authors can revise their uploads and reply to community comments in the form of author comments. Please look for your favourite EGU2020 contributions on EGUsphere. You can also still upload or edit your Display materials.

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