Published: Monday, 18 May 2020 Print Email



Despite the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) process continues in the Black Sea: on 7 May 2020, the Second Steering Committee (SC) Meeting of the MARSPLAN-BS II Project was successfully conducted in a video-conference format. The meeting was organised by the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration of Romania with the participation of the MARSPLAN-BS II project partnership, as well as representatives from the EC`DG MARE and EASME. The CCMS is one of the Bulgarian partners in the project.

The Second SC Meeting aimed at providing an efficient communication and feedback platform on MARSPLAN-BS II activities implemented in the first six months of the project, as well as enhancing cooperation among all partners. In this regard, the event focused on current progress of activities as well as future activities. Among the major issues addressed at the event were the cross border cooperation between Bulgaria and Romania, as well as developing of the MSP process in the Black Sea and preparation of the national MSP plans. The partners discussed also updating the common GIS database and elaboration of Multi-Use (MU) case study, stakeholder engagement; project management and coordination issues; project visibility and communication of the first results, etc. Also, the risk management plan has been updated for the next sixth project months, in order to foresee potential risks, estimate impacts, and define responses to arisen issues for successful implementation of project activities and reaching the indicators and deliverables.

Follow the MARSPLAN-BS II project webpage for more information and upcoming events and project results.

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