The Parthenope University (Naples, Italy) is calling for a foreign student to carry out a PhD!

Published: Wednesday, 04 August 2021 Print Email

PhD call


The theme of this PhD course is the study of a wide range of environmental phenomena, the potential risks associated with them and the methods for their mitigation. The topic is highly interdisciplinary and requires the convergence of tools and expertise from different scientific fields and disciplines. Starting from the climate, understood as a complex of phenomena at multiple scales that develop within atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, it will focus on the effects of the phenomena in terms of individual potential negative fallout on people and production capacity, as well as on the hazard assessment, on the vulnerability of the elements at risk, on possible integrated strategies for mitigation. Topics of basic and applied research in the fields of oceanography, meteorology, climatology, geology, will therefore be considered, as well as their interactions in cases of environmental pollution, hydro-geological risk and similar issues; they will be joined by disciplines more directly related to the assessment and mitigation of risk, such as maritime and hydraulic engineering, geotechnical and structural engineering and geomatics, together with issues related to the methods of experimental investigation, monitoring and control of the territory.

Deadline for the application submission: 27 August 2021.

For more information, please follow the link:

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