CCMS attended the MSP-GREEN Launching Conference on January 17th, 2023 in Venice, Italy

Published: Monday, 23 January 2023 Print Email

MSP GREEN Launching Conference Venice January 2023


The Launching Conference of the MSP-GREEN project was organized on 17th January 2023 by CORILA, IUAV and CNR-ISMAR, in Venice, Italy at IUAV – Tolentini premises to present to the public the project objectives, invited speakers to describe state of the art and panel discussions with case studies on key topics for the maritime ecological transition.

The MSP-GREEN project contributes to align maritime spatial plans to the ambition of the EGD by creating a framework for plans as marine enablers of the EGD. The framework will provide a cross-cutting approach to the EGD key topics relevant for the marine environment and the sustainable transition of blue economy: climate change, circular blue economy, protection of marine biodiversity, marine renewable energies, sustainable food provision. Recommendations on how to strengthen the EGD ambition of EU MSP plans will be prepared. The sea basins’ dimension will be promoted by considering environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural specificities also, via dedicated Ocean Literacy driven communication.

The project is funded by the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund and gathers partners from Italy, Spain, France, Latvia, Finland, Bulgaria and Germany, covering five EU basins, and will last two years. Partners are CORILA (Coordinator), CNR-ISMAR, IUAV (IT), CEREMA, IFREMER, UBO (FR), IEO (CSIC)(SP), MoEPRD (LV), RCSW (FI) and CCMS (BG). Associated Partners come from VASAB and BSH (DE).

MSP GREEN January Venice 2023


At the panel discussions CCMS presented Bulgarian MSP valuable practice on sustainable food production and how this practice could be used as enabler for the European Green Deal.

Follow more details on the project website and twitter:


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