COASTS FOR KIDS-2021: A series of educational videos about the coast, for children, and also adults!

Published: Friday, 18 June 2021 Print Email

Coasts for Kids 2021


Led by our colleague Irene Delgado-Fernandez, coastal geomorphologist (Edge Hill University, UK), this series has resulted in a wonderful contribution to environmental education on the coast.

Coasts for Kids is a collaborative experience between children and their parents, coastal scientists, community artists, teachers, animators and coastal managers. The series is aimed at kids aged 6 and over. It includes important concepts in coastal processes and coastal evolution in Episodes 1, 2 and 3, followed up by analyses of human impacts in Episode 4 and management actions in Episode 5.

The series (trailer + 5 episodes) are ready for free download, and this will be communicated in Youtube Channel and via twitter/online networks (@IreneDelgadoFe2).

Public videos available and ready to share:

Episode 1 – What is the Coast?:
Episode 2 - Our coasts like moving:
Episode 3 – Our coasts are connected:
Episode 4 – How do people affect the coast?:
Episode 5 – We need to plan!:

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