Summary of the MSP4BIO deliverable on MPA and MSP policy coherence is out!

Published: Friday, 09 February 2024 Print Email

Summary 6.1 MSP4BIO short version

Check out what this comprehensive study is about: State of the art on key barriers and levers for policy coherence (D6.1):

To effectively halt biodiversity loss, integrating biodiversity considerations into a broad range of policies, including those outside the traditional environmental scope, is essential. The MSP4BIO project's Task 6.1 focused on assessing the incorporation of biodiversity into EU marine policies and sectors, evaluating the barriers to and facilitators of such integration, and understanding the role and effectiveness of the maritime spatial planning directive (MSPD) in promoting biodiversity conservation across the European Union.

The study involved a comprehensive analysis of how biodiversity is integrated into environmental, economic, and marine spatial planning (MSP) policies at EU, regional, and national levels, examining eight EU member states and four Regional Sea Conventions. Through interviews, workshop outcomes, and policy document reviews, the project identified how biodiversity is prioritized and the ambition behind conservation efforts within these policies.

The full study will be published in MSP4BIO’s website once finished!

Check out our deliverables section under our 'Publications' subpage! We will start uploading summaries of the work we have carried out and later on the full deliverables:

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