The MSP4BIO first two deliverables are available online!

Published: Monday, 12 February 2024 Print Email

MSP4BIO first two deliverables


What about starting the week by reading our first 2 deliverables published online:

 • D2.1: Overview of the available biodiversity datasets & platforms relevant for planning

D2.1 Overview of the available biodiversity datasets platforms relevant for planning

This deliverable presents an analysis of the availability of datasets, data platforms, tools, and models required by MSP4BIO. Data were compiled and the availability for each test site and data requirement (desideratum) was analyzed. Data availability varied considerably between test sites and desiderata. The analysis found several data gaps, which serve as guidance for data collection by other work packages. In total, 339 datasets, data platforms, tools and models were compiled from a wide variety of sources.
Read the full deliverable here!

• D2.3: State-of-the-art overview of the current protection & restoration measures in place

D2.3 State of the art overview of the current protection and restoration measures in place

A state-of-the-art overview of the main categories of conservation measures currently applied to protect marine ecosystems and species, considering international, European and national level measures is provided, including examples of Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs). Some cases of marine restoration measures are also illustrated. The overview considers the test-site countries across all the European sea basins. Some representative cases of MPAs and OECMs are detailed based on desktop review and outcomes from interviews. Interviews have supported the identification of trade-offs between marine conservation and human uses, of challenges encountered in designation and management and of opportunities for transfer of the experience in other contexts.

Read the full deliverable here!

Check constantly out our deliverables section under our 'Publications' subpage! We will start uploading summaries of the work we have carried out and later on the full deliverables:

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