In the 5th Blue Horizon Newsletter we’re thrilled to announce that the Blue Connect project has officially joined our newsletter family! The Blue Connect is co-developing, promoting, and demonstrating a systematic approach to marine conservation planning and management, as well as working with strict protection and blue corridors.
As you will see along this issue, with the excuse of Blue Connect joining we decided to revamp our image and we hope you like it as much as we do.
In this, 5th Blue Horizon issue, you will also find that BLUE4ALL has just started the tool-tasting phase and that MSP4BIO has published so many excellent publications to keep you busy reading during your holidays. Under announcements, we are excited to share the call to Women Ocean Champions, for all those women working in the blue world who want to share their journey. As always, you’ll find updates on upcoming events and the latest news in ocean conservation.
As we wrap up 2024, we want to thank you for your interest in us and we would like to wish you a joyful holiday season and a restful break with friends and family.
We look forward to continue working together on preserving our Ocean in 2025!
Read the full newsletter here!