CCMS took participation at the MUSES Final Conference

Published: Wednesday, 24 October 2018 Print Email

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The final conference of the MUSES (Multi-Use in European Seas) H2020 Project was held on 10th October 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. The event was a great success and brought a wide range of interested stakeholders from the business community, public administrations, research and academia. The aim of MUSES Final Conference was to present the EU-wide Multi-Use Action Plan that addresses a variety of multi-use combinations and to be a platform for relevant blue growth actors to discuss the Action Plan and consider possible commitments to advance multi-use development in Europe.

The Director of CCMS Dr. Margarita Stancheva was invited speaker at the panel for Tourism-related Multi-Use and she talked on “Addressing the Multi-use Concept with Marine Spatial Planning in the Black Sea” (to see PPT please go to the section for presentations).
Also, the CCMS experts Dr. Margarita Stancheva and Dr. Hristo Stanchev took active participation in the round table discussions at the conference and on important issues of the MU combinations and the link with MSP for the Black Sea.

Photos MUSES Final Conference

For more details on the conference and the published Multi-Use Action Plan visit the MUSES website:

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