BSEC - ICBSS WEBINAR, 19 May 2020: Challenging Post Covid-19 Era

Published: Thursday, 28 May 2020 Print Email


CCMS Director Dr Margarita Stancheva took participation at BSEC - ICBSS WEBINAR, conducted on 19 May, 2020 and organized by the International Center for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS), together with Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) in an online discussion about regional cooperation and coordination during the Covid-19 outbreak and the role of international organizations in the challenging post - pandemic era, focusing on the Black Sea Region.

85 participants from all around the world joined this very first webinar moderated by Professor George Tzogopoulos. BSEC PERMIS Secretary General, Ambassador Michael Christides, made an opening statement prior to the session held in “question and answer“ format.

Ambassador Christides emphasized the fact that the Coronavirus outbreak has dramatically exposed previously existing fractions and tensions around the Globe and it has certainly also put multilateral cooperation to a new, severe test. He said he believed that the COVID-19 crisis has shown the need for more cooperation and coordination not only between States, but within States, and that this crisis provided several lessons for how world leaders should approach other issues of global scale, such as climate change.

For further information: Press Release 

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