Final webinar: BONUS BASMATI – Supporting Maritime Spatial Planning with Science

Published: Monday, 14 September 2020 Print Email

Final webinar BONUS BASMATI Supporting Maritime Spatial Planning with Science

CCMS Director, Dr Margarita Stancheva took participation at the Final webinar BONUS BASMATI – Supporting Maritime Spatial Planning with Science. The event was organised as a forenoon online webinar on Wednesday, the 9th of September, 2020.

The overall objective of the BONUS BASMATI project is to develop integrated and innovative solutions for maritime spatial planning from the local to the Baltic Sea Region scale. This is to be realised through multi-level governance structures and interactive information technology aiming at developing an ecologically and socio-economically sound network of protected marine areas covering the Baltic Sea.

The final dissemination activities of the BONUS BASMATI project consisted of three main products – all presented with the overall title ‘Supporting Maritime Spatial Planning with Science’ and demonstrated the remarkable results and deliverables of the project.

For further information, follow the BONUS BASMATI project website:

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