Littoral 2018 Conference: 22 – 26 October 2018, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Published: Monday, 15 October 2018 Print Email

Littoral 2018

Next Littoral 2018 will be a five-day international conference and excursions exploring the deltas and the littoral in and around the Cultural Capital of Europe 2018, Leeuwarden in the Netherlands.

The conference will join all disciplines to explore current and future issues of relevance to the coast and will be of interest to a wide spectrum of scientists, including those from the physical sciences, climate change scientists and ecologists, social scientists, engineers, policy makers and advisers and practitioners. The following main themes have been selected:
GREEN COASTS: Natural and resilient coasts
CLEAN SEAS: Protection of the marine environment
BLUE GROWTH: Sustainable development in the coastal & marine environment

CCMS Advisory Committee members Kathy Belpaeme (Province of West-Flanders, Belgium) and Dr. David Green (Aberdeen Institute for Coastal Science and Management, University of Aberdeen, Scotland) have been involved in LITTORAL 2018 Scientific Committee.

Visit the conference website: for more details.

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