Maritime Spatial Planning Forum: Global Meets Regional

Published: Wednesday, 06 November 2019 Print Email

MSP FORUM Riga 2019


The Maritime Spatial Planning Forum: Global Meets Regional will take place on 19-21 November 2019 in Riga, Latvia, and will serve as a joint event for the 4th International MSPforum, 3rd Baltic MSP Forum as well as for the final conference of the Pan Baltic Scope project. It is jointly organized by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, VASAB, Pan Baltic Scope collaboration and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in cooperation with the University of Latvia.

More than 300 participants with a broad spectrum of backgrounds and different expertise in MSP will join the event. Among them will be maritime spatial planners, national authorities and institutions responsible for MSP, international organizations, EU institutions, academia and research organizations, MSP stakeholders – coastal municipalities, energy, shipping and transport, environment, cultural heritage sectors as well as students and young spatial planning professionals.

The MSPforum in Riga will be a platform where global MSP will meet regional MSP experience on planning across borders and sectors. The Forum will allow exploring how countries around the world have developed and implemented their maritime spatial plans and what are future challenges. During the Forum interactive workshops, plenaries and key-note speakers will highlight global and regional MSP topics, including the results and findings of the Pan Baltic Scope project collaboration.

For more information and updates follow the Forum webpage:

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