Second International Workshop on Maritime Spatial Planning 6-7 February 2020, Cadiz, Spain

Published: Friday, 31 January 2020 Print Email

2nd International Workshop on Maritime Spatial Planning

On February 6 and 7, 2020, the II International Workshop on Maritime Spatial Planning “From international experiences to the case of the Andalusian Sea” will be held at the University of Cádiz, Spain. This event will take place in the Library of the Campus of Puerto Real and is aimed to managers and public employees, professionals and companies, social agents, PhD students and last degree courses.

Its objective is to address the issues of greatest relevance and interest for the application of Directive 2014/89/EU for Maritime Spatial Planning in Spain and in Andalusia. The workshop will begin by addressing the international framework and the experiences of the pilot projects developed in Spain: SIMNORAT, SIMWEST and MarSP projects.

A practical case of the Gulf of Cádiz Demarcation will be analyzed. The second day of the course will be presented exclusively in a participatory manner with the participation with real marine actors, expressing their interests and concerns in the Cadiz Marine Demarcation. Discussion will be encouraged among all attendees. Finally, there will be help of an expert from the University of California, who has developed a tool to facilitate marine planning in a participatory manner.
For more details, please follow the workshop web site: 

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