Workshop "Strengthening the ecosystem-based approach in MSP and supporting sustainable blue economy"

Published: Tuesday, 09 May 2023 Print Email



The Workshop "Strengthening the ecosystem-based approach in MSP and supporting sustainable blue economy" will be held in Helsinki 13-15 June 2023. The event will take place over three days and will be a physical meeting, with the opportunity to follow the meeting online. It will consist of several sessions dedicated to four main themes.

Registration to the Workshop is opened until 15th of May 2023 for those who will join physically. For those who will attend online registration will be open until the 8th of June 2023.

The Workshop is organized jointly by the eMSP NBSR project Ecosystem-based Approach and Sustainable Blue Economy Communities of Practice with support of MSP4BIO project and EUSBSR Policy Area Spatial Planning.

Main themes:
1. MSP’s contribution to the establishing and maintaining a coherent MPAs network and other spatial conservation measures- an example of eMSP study case on MSP and MPAs.
2. The role of MSP in overall progress towards GES (opportunities and limits) – an example of eMSP study case on MSP and GES.
3. International framework for ecosystem-based approach in MSP – recommendations based on good EBA practices in MSP and gap-analysis.
4. MSP for sustainable blue economy –Natural capital & environmental impact as boundary condition for sustainable food and energy production in the long term and to contribute to biodiversity goals of Green Deal (including mitigation, nature-based solutions, ecosystem services, biodiversity, nature restoration, interaction between human and nature, …).

 Anticipated results:
• Demonstrate MSP related processes and means to facilitate coherence of protected areas and other spatial conservation measures.
• Identify environmental pressures which can be managed by MSP and respective indicators illustrating changes in the state of the marine environment.
• Discuss provisional recommendations to advance international framework for EBA in MSP applicable for both the North and Baltic seas with an example of the Guideline for the implementation of EBA in MSP in the Baltic Sea.
• Demonstrate how MariPark can contribute to a good environmental status
• Explore the potential of nature-inclusive design of offshore infrastructure to create net positive environmental impact and identify key indicators & monitoring schemes that can be managed. Spatial aspect: contribute to nature restoration outside economic zones; effects of individual turbines and zonal effects; degrees of impact/contribution.
• Reflect on the climate change impact on MSP processes and on how MSP contributes to increasing climate change resilience.
• Promote common language and views between planners and environmentalist for the NS and BS and, particularly, facilitate dialog between HELCOM-VASAB MSP Working Group and HELCOM Working Group on Biodiversity, Protection and Restoration (HELCOM WG BioDiv).
• Enhance cooperation and knowledge transfer between eMSP and MSP4BIO projects.

Register here!

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