Special Issue Reprint "Land Modifications and Impacts on Coastal Areas" has been published online and is freely accessible

Published: Monday, 30 January 2023 Print Email

Land Modifications and Impacts on Coastal Areas Cover page

We are pleased to announce that the Special Issue Reprint "Land Modifications and Impacts on Coastal Areas" to which the CCMS team contributed has been published online and is freely accessible on the MDPI Books platform:


The reprint book will be listed in book databases and is available through several distribution platforms. Furthermore, the reprint can be purchased as a printed copy directly from MDPI website.

Mooser Alexis et aljpg


Our research paper Most Attractive Scenic Sites of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: Characterization and Sensitivity to Natural and Human Factors are one of the papers in this Special Issue. The article has been published in CCMS collaboration with:

• Department of Science and Technology (DiST), Parthenope University, Naples, Italy;

• Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Cádiz, Spain; and

• Department of Architecture, Computing and Engineering, University of Wales, Swansea, UK

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