Published: Monday, 09 December 2019 Print Email

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CCMS took active participation at the Maritime Spatial Planning Forum, on 19-21 November 2019 in Riga, Latvia, organized together by VASAB, UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Pan Baltic Scope collaboration and University of Latvia. The forum served as a joint event of the 4th International MSP Forum, 3rd Baltic MSP Forum as well as the closing conference of the Pan Baltic Scope collaboration.

The Maritime Spatial Planning Forum was a great platform where global MSP met regional MSP. The forum brought together 300 participants from 44 countries all across the world and included 12 interactive workshops, plenaries and key-notes with more than 70 speakers, as well as Young Planners` Plenary. The forum gave an opportunity to look at different MSP practices and solutions in a broader scale as the global aspect was an added value throughout the whole event thus creating a fruitful environment for learning and exchanging experience that goes beyond a day-to-day business.

CCMS experts actively participated at the Plenary session “MSP at Transboundary Scale”, workshops on Ecosystem-Based Approach in Practice; Engaging Local Actors: Turning MSP Bottom-up; Assessing Cumulative Impacts in MSP; MSP as a Contribution to the UN Ocean Science Decade for Sustainable Development; Integrating Land, Sea and Society into MSP: Economic and Social Impacts and Land-Sea Interactions and other sessions with discussions and talks for sharing a variety of practices and experience. The MARSPLAN-BS II Project Coordinator Mrs. Maria Georgieva (Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of Bulgaria) was invited speaker at the Plenary session “MSP at Transboundary Scale” and presented the lessons learned and best practice experience for the MSP in the Black Sea Basin.

CCMS at MSP FORUM Riga 2019


Follow what happened during the MSPforum by reviewing the speaker presentations – download them from the ‘AGENDA’ on the Pan Baltic Scope Project webpage and via the MSPglobal website:

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