Published: Wednesday, 18 December 2019 Print Email


First Workshop MARSPLAN BS II


CCMS MARSPLAN-BS II Project team took participation at the First Thematic Workshop of the MARSPLAN-BS II Project, held on 12 December 2019 in Varna Bulgaria and organized by one of the Bulgarian partners in the project - Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy at their conference hall. The workshop was focused on the traffic separation scheme for Bulgaria and brought together the MARSPLAN-BS II partnership from Bulgaria and Romania, as well as a wide range of representatives of academy, research community, decision-makers, maritime and basin administrations, and other stakeholders.

At the thematic workshop several studies on the workshop topic were presented on the marine functional zoning of the Republic of Bulgaria; organization of the maritime areas of the Republic of Bulgaria and Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS). Participants discussed on the few topics, such as security considerations for the viability of the existing TSS, considerations for maritime traffic control, environmental considerations etc.

Stay tuned for more news and updates on the Second Thematic Workshop of the MARSPLAN-BS II, that will took place in Constanta, Romania in the beginning of 2020.

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