MARSPLAN-BS II Online thematic e-Workshop: Ecological protection of coastal areas and oil spill response. Organization and capabilities

Published: Thursday, 18 March 2021 Print Email

ESI Classification of Bulgarian Black Sea Shoreline in Response to Oil Spill


The thematic e-workshop “ECOLOGICAL PROTECTION OF COASTAL AREAS AND OIL SPILL RESPONSE. ORGANIZATION AND CAPABILITIES” was held on 10th of March, 2021 under the project agreement EASME/EMFF/2018/ „Cross border maritime spatial planning in the Black Sea – Bulgaria and Romania - MARSPLAN-BS II”, co-funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) of the European Union. The meeting was carried out in video-conference format and hosted by “NIKOLA VAPTSAROV” NAVAL ACADEMY - Varna. Representatives of all project partners took part at the workshop.

As partner in the MARSPLAN-BS II project, CCMS presented a study on „Environmental Sensitivity Index Classification of Bulgarian Black Sea Shoreline in Response to Oil Spill”.

More information about the Workshop and PPT can be found on the website of the project MARSPLAN-BS II.

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