Published: Thursday, 09 June 2022 Print Email

EGU2022 GM6.7


The Geomorphology Session GM6.7 on: “Coastal Zone Geomorphological Interactions: Natural versus Human-Induced Driving Factors” was successfully conducted for the fourteenth time at the EGU 2022 General Assembly, 23-27 May 2022 in Vienna, Austria. This year’s conference format was fully hybrid, with presenters both in person at the Austria Centre Vienna and remote via the Zoom Meetings system. With the invaluable help of the in-room technical assistant the session ran very smoothly.

Contributions to this session were focused on a wide range of topics, including environmental recovery from heavy metal contamination in estuaries, controlled flood basins, coastal erosion case-studies in Sicily as well as on Greenland, modelling of coral reef development as well as beach bedforms around buildings, and marina planning in the context of shifting sediment. The session topics also included methodological studies considering remote sensing techniques for beach surveys and automated toolkits for monitoring coastal change.

The session included 11 presentations by authors from a wide range of countries around Europe, attended by a good-sized audience occupying the room to near-capacity and with several dozen online participants.

The session was conducted on Tuesday, 24th of May, chaired by Dr. Andreas Baas (UK). A detailed list of presentations can be viewed online at

The session has been sponsored by the Commission on Coastal Systems (CCS) of the International Geographical Union (IGU) for the eleventh year in succession. With this success the EGU Session on coastal zone geomorphic interactions together with the support of CCS has taken on an important role in fostering the exchange of knowledge on coastal geomorphology and experience among researchers to explore the variety of natural and human factors that modify the coasts.

The session was organized by:
Dr. Margarita Stancheva (Center for Coastal and Marine Studies)
Dr. Andreas Baas (Department of Geography - King's College London
Dr. Hannes Tonisson (Tallinn University, Institute of Ecology)
Dr. Guillaume Brunier (University of Western Brittany, LEMAR)
Dr. Giorgio Anfuso (Faculty of Marine Science - University of Cádiz)

The next EGU General Assembly 2023 will be on 23-28 April 2023 in Vienna, Austria. Hopefully, next event will be held in real life and we can meet you all again. As usual, we are looking forward to your active participation again.

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