News and Events
The final conference of the MUSES (Multi-Use in European Seas) H2020 Project will take place on 10th October 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. It will engage a wide range of interested stakeholders from the business community, public administrations, research and academia. The aim is to present the EU-wide Multi-Use Action Plan that addresses a variety of multi-use combinations and to be a platform for relevant blue growth actors to discuss the Action Plan and consider possible commitments to advance multi-use development in Europe.
CCMS represented MSP4BIO & BLUE CONNECT projects at the Mission Arena 3
Two weeks ago, the Mission Arena 3 of the BlueMission Banos took place in Amsterdam, organized by the coordinator SUBMARINER Network, Berlin, Germany. With over 200 participants addressing challenges in the Blue Circular Economy, the MSP4BIO and BLUE CONNECT were proud to be showcased along with BLUE4ALL and MPA Europe projects.
On November 26-27th, 2024, during the 3rd Blue Mission Arena in Amsterdam, the panel session "Connecting Seas: Cooperation and Tools for EU Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)" brought together leading voices from EU-funded projects to address critical challenges and opportunities in marine conservation. This session united representatives from the MSP4BIO&BLUE CONNECT projects, including from CCMS, as well as BioProtect, BLUE4ALL and MPA Europe. Each project showcased groundbreaking tools and methodologies designed to safeguard marine biodiversity while fostering sustainable governance and stakeholder collaboration in Marine Protected Areas across Europe.
Read more: CCMS represented MSP4BIO & BLUE CONNECT projects at the Mission Arena 3
European Maritime Day 2018 Burgas
European Maritime Day 2018 Burgas
CCMS will attend the European Maritime Day on 31st of May and 1st of June 2018 in sunny Burgas, Bulgaria, at the Black Sea coast. The EMD Conference includes plenary and thematic sessions (with the participation of high level and key-experts) as well as workshops that are self-organized by interested stakeholders.
For further details and more information visit the EMD Burgas 2018 website:
CCMS at the MSP WEEK, MSP-GREEN & REGINA-MSP Final conferences & MSP4BIO think-thank science-policy dialogue in Marseille, 22-24 October 2024
On 22nd of October 2024 “A Decade of European MSP – Stakeholder Conference”, an exciting and dynamic conference exploring the evolving landscape of MSP was conducted in Marseille, France. The conference brings together experts, policymakers, and industry leaders from across the European Union and beyond, to foster dialogue, share best practices, and chart a course towards more integrated and sustainable maritime planning. Over five engaging sessions, the accomplishments of the last decade, lessons learnt, challenges, and future direction of MSP, highlighting the critical role of stakeholder engagement, regional cooperation, and innovative technologies were explored. The discussions covered a wide range of priority topics, from the impact of the European Green Deal on MSP to the integration of climate-smart trends and cutting-edge technologies, how MSP plans are being updated to address contemporary issues such as climate change and multi-use conflicts, the benefits and challenges of data-driven innovations like digital twins for marine environments.
Read more: CCMS at the MSP WEEK, MSP-GREEN & REGINA-MSP Final conferences & MSP4BIO think-thank...