MSP-GREEN Project survey: Communicating Maritime European Green Deal across basins

Published: Wednesday, 05 April 2023

MSP GREEN Project survey map

In the framework of the EMFAF MSP-GREEN project (Maritime Spatial Planning as Enabler of the European Green Deal), the project communication team has created a survey, as part of Task 5.3: Communicating maritime European Green Deal (EGD), which results in Deliverable 5.2. A handbook reviewing cross-basin performed and ongoing communication strategies, and relevant strategic guidance documents, trends and specificities in the field of maritime spatial planning (MSP), EGD, stakeholder involvement etc.

The aim of the survey is to identify specific elements and elaborate recommendations on communicative strategies and digital tools that can represent maritime specificities of the EU basins and enable communication of the maritime European Green Deal. Promoting the EGD means promoting a theoretical approach, based on scientific evidence but that can only be achieved by a cultural transformation. This translates into defining scenarios that can support difficult choices that as a society we will be called to take in the near future. By supporting the maritime EGD, the project is, therefore, taking part in shaping our reality by proposing new pathways across EU sea basins - a possible future, a future that may be better for current and next generations. In this regard, it is understandable that there is no one-size-fits-for-all-systems, but to operatively cover basin perspectives for this activity, all questions are asked to be based upon your experience seen under the basin-wide umbrella rather than distinctively the national MSP perspective.

Please follow the link to access the survey:

It will be greatly appreciated if the survey will be filled in by the 13th of April 2023.

If you would like to leave any additional comments or questions, please contact MoEPRD task coordinator & communication specialist Annija Danenberga ().

Thank you very much in advance for your consideration and feel free to disseminating this to your wide networks and all interested stakeholders across basins!

Successful Conclusion of the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5)

Published: Monday, 20 February 2023


Vancouver, British Columbia, 3-9 February 2023
Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5)

Oceans play an essential role in the lives of people around the world. To promote the long-term sustainability of the world ocean and ensure that future generations are able to benefit from our marine resources, the global community must work together to combat climate change and address biodiversity loss affecting ocean ecosystems.

During the Leadership Forum, the Ministers, alongside representatives from governments and leaders from Indigenous, environmental, philanthropic, academic and private organizations, industry, as well as young professionals, discussed the results achieved at IMPAC5. Attendees emphasized the importance of global cooperation in achieving marine conservation targets and focused on the essential role of Indigenous-led conservation efforts. Participants also addressed the need for increased protection of biodiversity through the use of marine protected areas and highlighted the role of marine conservation financing in achieving shared commitments, including Canada’s ambitious conservation goals of conserving 30 per cent of its oceans by 2030.

Read more: Successful Conclusion of the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5)


Published: Friday, 24 March 2023

The Second General Assembly Meeting of the MSP4BIO project was conducted on 20-21 March in Ostende, Belgium, organised by Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ). All MSP4BIO partners gathered at the meeting and took stock of the achievements made in the first 8 months and the way forward with the aim to contribute to a better integration between Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).

MSP4BIO Ostende 2023

In the first day of MSP4BIO General Assembly we have put focus on interactions and discussions on the methodology and development of the project's final product, conservation management, protection criteria and policy coherence analysis.

In the second day, the initial results from the integrated reports on the specific gaps analysis for the MSP4BIO test sites were presented and we actively discussed during the interactive sessions on the Communities of Practice synergies and work plans for the ESE integrated framework implementation.



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CCMS attended the MSP-GREEN Launching Conference on January 17th, 2023 in Venice, Italy

Published: Monday, 23 January 2023

MSP GREEN Launching Conference Venice January 2023


The Launching Conference of the MSP-GREEN project was organized on 17th January 2023 by CORILA, IUAV and CNR-ISMAR, in Venice, Italy at IUAV – Tolentini premises to present to the public the project objectives, invited speakers to describe state of the art and panel discussions with case studies on key topics for the maritime ecological transition.

The MSP-GREEN project contributes to align maritime spatial plans to the ambition of the EGD by creating a framework for plans as marine enablers of the EGD. The framework will provide a cross-cutting approach to the EGD key topics relevant for the marine environment and the sustainable transition of blue economy: climate change, circular blue economy, protection of marine biodiversity, marine renewable energies, sustainable food provision. Recommendations on how to strengthen the EGD ambition of EU MSP plans will be prepared. The sea basins’ dimension will be promoted by considering environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural specificities also, via dedicated Ocean Literacy driven communication.

Read more: CCMS attended the MSP-GREEN Launching Conference on January 17th, 2023 in Venice, Italy

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